ASCA O8 Nationals Accomplishments

Megan at the 2008 ASCA Nationals in Las Vegas, Nevada

Miles of accomplishments

(be ready to scroll for miles!)

Pre show #1:

Premiered with Patti Fedak's Trixi


Pre show #2:

3rd in Jr's

4th in BM Bitches with Gary & Mary Hawley's Miz

HIT Jr in Obedience with Patti Fedak's Trixi

BOB with Carol Roberts' Sirrus


Pre show #3:

3rd in Jr's


Nationals Stock:

1st in Std Cattle

1st in Std ducks

Q'd in Std sheep

High Combined Started Dog with Corey

High score Jr in Std ducks, sheep, cattle


Nationals Other:

HIT Jr in Obedience with Ziggy

3rd place in Conformation Finals with Ziggy

Premiered with Ziggy in Altered BOB

2nd Place in BM Bitches with Gary & Mary Hawley's Miz

Most Versatile Junior



Then - just topped it off - she won

Breed (BOB) at Nationals with Carol Roberts' Sirrus


(photo Rich Bergman-LakesideCA)

Megan and Sirrus, BEST OF BREED!

(photo Rich Bergman-LakesideCA)

Megan & Ziggy, 3rd in Conformation Finals

(photo Rich Bergman-LakesideCA)

Megan & Ziggy, Premier, Altered BOB

(photo Rich Bergman-LakesideCA)

Megan & Corey, High Combined, Started

(photo Grand Images-Phoenix, AZ)

Megan, trialing Corey in her conformation duds and cowgirl boots


Link to article about Megan in the Prescott Valley Tribune

by Heidi Dahms-Foster

(webpage with text of article)


'Megan, we are very proud of what you have accomplished.  But more importantly, we are proud of who you have become.  You are an amazing young woman!  We love you!'    -- Mom and Dad -

The Dogs

Sirrus - CH Del Sol's irresistible magic ATDs OTDd (plus his agility titles) owned by Carol Roberts, NM
Trixi - CH Three Ds Exotic Show Girl OTDs STDdc owned by Patti Fedak
Ziggy - Alt CH Skyryders Sharp Dressed Man CD OTDs ATDd- owned by Megan Sims, and Lisa and Mike Goss
Miz - Windsors Mizbo STDsd- owned by Gary and Mary Hawley

Corey - owned by Megan & Dawna Sims, and Debbe Dolson

Gracee - PSR Amazing Grace ATDsd OTDc owned by Megan & Dawna Sims

Gracee Qd in 3 runs, earning her novice gamblers title and one jumpers leg with a 4th place

Megan's 07-08 Jr. Accomplishments

Photos on this site courtesy of Heidi Dahms-Foster unless otherwise noted


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Painted Seven Ranch

Dawna, Mike, Megan & Tyler Sims

Dewey, Arizona

(928) 533-1108